Local Time: 22:52
 6th May 2024


Welcome to Villa María city centre through this weather camera from the province of Córdoba, Argentina.
This moving live cam from Av. Libertador Gral. San Martín displays the area called Plazoleta de Las Naciones (square) with a fountain at the centre of the roundabout, and on the sphere is seen the shape of Argentina in blue. The flag of Argentina is seen in the middle of the square as well, as Villa María held the festivities of Día de la Bandera Nacional (flag day) in 2017 in memory of the its creator, Manuel Belgrano. The live image also shows you the beautiful Juan Domingo Peron Bridge River, which you can see it illuminated at night.
To look around the city of Villa María in Argentina, please find our map by scrolling down the page. 

Argentina Map - Villa María City