Local Time: 05:13
 7th May 2024


Observe this HD live webcam stream of the Sikh Temple Gurdwara Sahib Glenwood in the Sydney suburb of Glenwood, in the state of New South Wales, Australia.
This live feed, with various camera angles and close-ups, provides an excellent view of this peaceful place of worship. Furthermore, the audio provides an exceptional insight into the experience at the Sikh temple, Gurdwara Sahib Glenwood, the Sikh Community's centre of worship in Greater Sydney.
This temple is part of the Australian Sikh Association, one of the largest Sikh communities in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Sikh Centre at Glenwood serves as a prayer centre, as well as general community services and activities and events throughout the year, which are listed at the bottom of the image.
Gurdwara Sahib Glenwood is located in northwest Sydney, New South Wales' capital, and you can view a map of the area by scrolling down this page.

Map of Glenwood, Australia