Local Time: 00:23
 7th May 2024


The FlyForFun live webcam on Gaisberg Peak in Salzburg, Austria, shows the Gaisberg Nordstartplatz, which is the Takeoff North paragliding location. This incredible location serves as an ideal launch point for paragliding and hang-gliding, boasting awe-inspiring vistas and excellent flying conditions. It's a challenging alpine area renowned for being the starting point of the Red Bull® X-Alps, the world's most demanding adventure race. Gaisberg's charm lies not only in its natural beauty but also in the adrenaline rush experienced by adventurers as they glide gracefully above the stunning landscape.
Experience the thrill as paragliders and deltas take flight from the Gaisberg mountain, offering panoramic vistas of the Salzburg region. The live feed not only shows the launching area but also provides real-time weather updates. This vital information ensures that visitors to this amazing site have a safe and enjoyable flying experience.
If you plan on visiting this well-known location, be sure to check out our map further down the page for precise location details and important information about the Fly For Fun Flight Club Salzburg.

Map of Gaisberg, Austria