Local Time: 01:51
 7th May 2024


This live Porto de Santos Port webcam stream shows panoramic views of Santos Bay (Baía de Santos) and its sandy shoreline from Itararé, São Vicente, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil (Brasil).
On the far end is the Port of Santos Channel (Canal do Porto de Santos), where large ships enter and exit the estuary of the River Santos, which is home to the busy Port of Santos (Porto de Santos), Latin America's largest container port. Paragliders can also be seen passing in front of the camera on occasion.
In the foreground are the picturesque Urubuqueçaba Island (Ilha Urubuqueçaba) and the Municipal Park Roberto Mario Santini (Parque Roberto Mário Santini), a lovely city park with playgrounds and attractions. At the end of the pier is the notable red sculpture by Tomie Ohtake commemorating the 100th anniversary of Japanese immigration to Brazil.
Across the bay are the landscapes of Guarujá, a town with many beaches and scenic green hills.
As shown on the map further down the page, the city of Santos adjoins São Vicente Island in Santos Bay, a destination with magnificent sandy beaches along the bay and a beautiful city to explore.