Local Time: 03:45
 7th May 2024


On the live webcam feed displayed above, you see Masarykovo Square, the central square in the town of Uherský Brod, in the Zlin Region, Czech Republic.
The online camera is pointing west to the historic town centre square, which is home to the Baroque Catholic church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary (Kostel Neposkvrnného poet Panny Marie), which was built between 1717 and 1733. The tower, which stands 60 metres (200 feet) tall, was built between 1879 and 1881. In the centre of the square stands the Baroque Saint Florian Water Fountain, a fountain with a statue of St. Florian dating back to the first half of the 18th century.
The town of Uherský Brod, as shown on the map further down the page, is known for its rich architecture in a well-preserved historic town centre, and is located in the Czech Republic's Moravian Slovakia cultural region, a gateway to the White Mountains near the Slovakian border.