Local Time: 17:10
 3rd May 2024


Torilive brings you this live webcam view of Turku Market Square, in the capital city of Southwest Finland.
On this live feed, you can watch the Turku Market Square renovations from the Taiste, which is located on the sixth floor of the KOP-Kolmio building, which you can find on the map further down this page.
Turku Market Square, considered the city's central square, was built in the 1830s and has long been the site of a bustling market on weekdays. Around the square, there are numerous cafes and restaurants, shopping centres, offices, and the Orthodox Church of Saint Alexandra in Turku, which can be seen in this image of the square.
The renovations aim to revitalise the city center, offer more commercial and leisure opportunities, and prioritise walking and cycling infrastructure.
Turku is the oldest city in Finland, dating back 800 years. In this lively city, you may explore the pleasant waterfront along the Aura River, along which many of the city’s attractions are located, including Turku Castle and museums.
From Turku Harbour, you may explore enjoyable ferry and boat trips.

Map of Turku, Finland