Local Time: 14:10
 6th May 2024


Check out this live webcam of giraffes (Zsiráf) at Szeged Zoo in Hungary's Csongrád-Csanád County, the country's largest open-air zoo, where you can explore a world of exotic wildlife and marvel at these majestic creatures.
Observe the fascinating giraffes at the Szeged Zoo (Szegedi Vadaspark), the tallest mammals on Earth, standing between 14 (4.3 metres) and 19 feet (5.4 metres). From their towering height to their long necks and beautiful patterns, the live stream allows viewers to observe the unique characteristics and behaviours of these iconic animals.
Other animals can be seen in the expansive outdoor area in the background. Szeged Zoo provides an engaging and educational experience for animal enthusiasts all over the world, and its location can be found further down the page on our map.

Hungary Map - Szeged Zoo