Local Time: 19:07
 6th May 2024


This HD live webcam takes you to the seaside of Swakopmund, a lively city on the coast of Namibia in the Erongo region.
The cam stream from the Swakopmund Lighthouse Restaurant shows a view over Swakopmund Public Beach and a section of the Swakopmund Mole, an old sea wall, which divides Swakopmund Public Beach from the more tranquil waters along Palm Beach to the south.
The Swakopmund Museum, visible on the right side, houses exhibits on Namibia's indigenous plants, wildlife, archaeological items, and minerals, allowing visitors to learn more about the country's history and diverse cultures.
Close to the Swakopmund Museum and the Municipal Gardens is the 1900s Swakopmund Lighthouse, which can be seen on the map further down the page.
Nearby, on the seafront, you can explore the National Marine Aquarium, and at the Desert Explorers adventure centre, you can book incredible experiences through the desert, in the sea, or through the city.

Namibia Map - Swakopmund, Erongo