Local Time: 17:28
 6th May 2024


Enjoy these refreshing live views from Dordrecht, commonly called Dordt, a beautiful city in South Holland, in the Netherlands.
The moving live webcam is at Dordrecht 3 river point, by the remarkable historical landmark Groothoofdspoort (Groothoofds Gate). It is towards the confluence of the rivers Oude Maas, Beneden Merwede and Noord - the busiest river confluence in Europe! Watch in real time the different types of boats as they navigate these waters!
Opposite the webcam’s location is the Noord River. To its left is the town of Zwijndrech from where you can see the Watertoren (water tower), a national monument in eclectic architectural style. To the right of the Noord, you have a glimpse of the Slobbengors - a recreation area with sports facilities, in the town of Papendrecht. You may explore this interesting area in the Netherlands on the map down the page.