Local Time: 17:40
 4th May 2024


Observe this live HD webcam view of the Port of Gdańsk in the Pomeranian Voivodeship region of Poland, Gdańsk city, showing continuous port activity 24/7. Gdańsk is strategically positioned at the mouth of the Vistula River, which flows into the Baltic Sea. This location makes it a vital maritime gateway for trade between Poland and other countries in Europe and beyond. The stream near the North Harbour Lighthouse (Latarnia Morska Gdańsk Nowy Port) provides a panoramic view of the ferry terminal and various shipping activities, including tank handling and container ship operations, where cargo ships load and unload their valuable freight. On the left, catch a glimpse of the historic Westerplatte grand stone monument, a poignant reminder of Poland's resilience during World War II. This vantage point offers a captivating window into the maritime heartbeat of Gdańsk, highlighting the constant movement of vessels navigating through this vital port.
For those curious about the precise location of this seaport within the city of Gdańsk, please explore our detailed map further down the page.

Poland Map - Port of Gdańsk