Local Time: 03:10
 7th May 2024


This live stream shows you an overview of the busy Gekås Ullared AB, a superstore in the village of Ullared, Sweden.
Gekås is the largest store in Scandinavia, well known for its low prices. It was founded in 1963 and currently covers a store area of over 30,000 m2 (320,000 sq ft), plus a 50,000 m2 (540,000 sq ft) storage area in Ullared, offering a wide range of products. Visitors from all over Sweden come to this small village to buy at Gekås, which has approximately 4.5 million customers annually! The company also manages an all-year campground and a hotel in Ullared – so there is no excuse for long distance visitors! Please scroll down to view Gekås on the map.

Sweden Map - Ullared