Local Time: 20:58
 2nd May 2024


Enjoy this live stream of the market square (Havlíčkovo náměstí) of the Czech city of Havlíčkův Brod. The live view from the Town Hall shows you a perspective of the square surrounded by Baroque houses with distinctive façades. You also see here the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary with a magnificent tower of the 13th-century. At the centre of the square is a Marian Column decorated with figures of saints and, beside it, is a stone fountain.
Havlíčkův Brod lies on the banks of Sázava River, approximately at the geographical centre of the Czech Republic, within the region of Vysočina. Have a look at this beautiful city on our map by scrolling down the page.

Czech Republic Map - Havlíčkovo Square